AKC SR80533104 DNA CB-DNA-125/B
MicroChip # 956000003242085
EIC normal by parentage | PRA normal by parentage
ED/SF clear by parentage | HIP CB-10895G25M-VPI “good”
EL CB-EL2718M25-VPI “normal”
Eyes CB-EYE604/28M-VPI dated 05/06.2016 “free”
Dd C.22G A +/- dilute | Brucellosis Test Negative dated 05/20/2016
Sperm Evaluation – Number of straws 20 – Sperm per Straw in Millions 110 –
Post-Thaw Overall Motility 87% – Evaluation Quality “Good”
Frozen and fresh semen / natural breeding | Born: 11/25/13
Woodly is 24 inches high at the withers and weighs 88 pounds. His color is medium dead grass and he has excellent bone structure and angulation. His tail is straight, slightly curved when excited.
He has produced 8 healthy litters so far, average litter size 8. Please also check the “Our Heroes” litter for puppy pictures (Woodly x Frankie).
Woodly who I co-own lives in Annandale NJ and grew up with 4 beautiful children. His temperament is exceptional for an intact male as get gets along with all dogs. He is a gentle stud dog and performed well during each breeding.
We tested his 10 puppies from the Our Heroes Litter and all puppies tested 10 (1-10) for hunt drive. This test was performed by 3 people who never met the puppies before.
If you use Woodly as your stud, you will not be disappointed. Litter references are available, contact our trainer Heike Frattalone heike@chessievillebay.com.
Woodly’s Pedigree
Born: November 25, 2013 (click here to download)
Sire CH Pond Hollow Hurricane Ridge Hips/Elbow Prelim good;CERF; ED/SF-Normal; PRA/DM/EIC-CBP ![]() |
Sire Ch Pond Hollow Bryce Canyon OFA/EL/CERF DM-N & EIC-N PRA-CBP ED/SF-N; Cardiac-N |
Sire Ch Voyageurs Once In A Blue Moon OFA/EL/CERF DM-Normal EIC & PRA-Normal ED/SF-Normal Cardiac-Normal |
Sire GrCh* Blue Moon Indypendence Day MH CD OFA/EL/CERF/EIC-N Cardiac-N/PRA-C |
Dam Voyaguers Keweenaw JourneyOFA/EL/CERF DM-N/PRA- N |
Dam Ch Pond Hollow B Starry Eyed Hips mild/EL CERF/DM-N/EIC-N PRA-CBP/EDSF-N Cardiac-N |
Sire BISS Ch* Pond Hollow Casablanca OFA/CERF/PRA A |
Dam Ch Pond Hollow Three Rvrs Royalt OFA/EL/CERF PRA-CBP/EIC-N ED/SF-N Cardiac-N |
Dam Ch Pond Hollow Brillant OFA/EL/CERF DM-N/EIC-N PRA-CBP/Cardiac-N |
Sire Redlions Notorious MH *** OFA/EL/CERFDM-N/EIC-N PRA-CBP/Cardiac-N |
Sire Longmeadow North X NWOFA/El/CERF/PRA-A1/EDSF-C |
Dam Redlions Defused FernOFA/EL/CERF/PRA A1 |
Dam Ch Pond Hollow SequelOFA/EL/CERF DM-N/EIC-N/ PRA-CBPCardiac-N |
Sire Ch* Pond Hollow CuttyhunkOFA/EL/CERF/.PRA A1/EIC-N/Cardiac-NEDSF-N |
Dam Ch Pond Hollow N TLC’s Glacier Bay MH **OFA/CERF/PRA A1 |
Dam GrCh* Pond Hollow More Joyful OFA/EL/EYES-N DM-C;PRA-CBP Cardiac-N/EIC-CBP ![]() |
Sire BISS Ch*/Swe Ch* Doublecoat’s Christmas Joy WDX Hips A/A Elbows 0-0 CERF/PRA & EIC-CBP |
Sire Ch Redlions Hit Doctor MH **OFA/EL/CERF/PRA A/DM-C/EIC-N |
Sire BIS/BISS Ch* Irish’s Royal Prince of TidesOFA/CERF/PRA B |
Dam Redlions Quailrun SmoochOFA/CERF/PRA A |
Dam Swe Ch Double Coat’s Alexia AmberHips A Elbows 0/0 Eyes Normal EIC-NPRA-CBP |
Sire Swe Ch Arnac Bay SussexHips A/A Elbows 1/1 PRA A /DM CBP Eyes Normal |
Dam Swe Ch Redlion Doublecoat Born To RunHips A/A Elbows 0/0 PRA CBP Eyes Normal |
Dam Ch* Pond Hollow More Mischief OFA/EL/CERF/PRA-CBP EIC-N/DM-C Cardiac-N ED/SF-N |
Sire Ch* Cal I Co Tampa BayOFA/CERF /PRA-CBP |
Sire Ch Pond Hollow Cal I Co Key LargoOFA/CERF/PRA A1 |
Dam Ch Chesaroo Exceeding The LimitOFA/CERF/PRA A | |||
Dam Ch Pond Hollow Mischief MaidenOFA/ CERF PRA-CBP |
Sire Ch* Pond Hollow Bering SeaOFA/EL/CERF/PRA A/EIC-N/Cardiac-N |
Dam Ch Pond Hollow AusableOFA/CERF/PRA A1 |